This is an excerpt from "The Magic Within", an internationally award winning short family film about thirteen year old Jessica, who through the difficult challenge of losing her parents must find a new way of looking at life to overcome her grief. She discovers through some magical and unexpected help, that happiness is being willing to see with more than just your eyes. Jessica learns to see with her heart.
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'97 Houston World Fest - Gold Medal
'97 National Council On Family Relations Media Competition–First Place
'97 US International Film Festival - Third Place
'97 Cindy Competition - Bronze medal
'97 The Cleveland Film Festival Certificate of Merit
'97 Columbus International Film and Video Festival - Honorable mention
'97 International Short Film Festival of Mons (Belgium)
97’ New York International Independent Film and Video Festival
"Lost" was shot on 16 mm black and white. A huge amount of what we shot was damaged during processing the film and I edited together a film quite different than I had first conceived with what remained. That's the adventure of the creative process and the opportunity of turning lemons into lemonade.
This music video to the song "Sex Kills" by Joni Mitchell explores the harsh contrasts and ironies of contemporary life.
"Soul Flight" is a sound/slide project which won First Place and Best of Show at the 1991 Association for Educators in Communication and Technology Media Festival.